
Monday, December 6, 2021

My Experience at Living Springs

Hey bloggers! 
Around the end of Octorber, me and the rest of my class went to Living Springs camp! It was the first camp with my friends I had ever gone to before, so I was quite nervous. It was a massive walk to the camp grounds, and as soon as we got there, we got to do so many cool activities! 
I have made a movie about it, so you can see all the things we did at the camp. 
By making a movie with a new app seemed quite difficult. But by the the time I had finished it, I had learnt so many cool things! The one thing that I found that was most useful, was the transitions. At the start, when I had just reveiwed my video, it seemed quite dull. So I  explored a little bit with the app, and found out you could put cool transitions in between the photos and videos. 
The thing I felt most difficult was finding all the photos and videos I could use for my movie. We had at least 4000 photos and videos, from all the teachers AND parent helpers. It took me like, FOREVER to find the ones I needed for my camp movie. The thing I would do better next time, would be to at more varieties of videos and photos so it could be more enjoyable and engaging to watch.  

Monday, October 25, 2021

Term 4 Camp

 Hello bloggers!                                                                                                                                         

Welcome back to my blog. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Well, next week Ruru will be going to camp to Living Springs! We will have concerts,  swimming, movies, and much more. Have you ever went there before? Tell in the comments below! So, for this week for reading, the teachers decided that we should learn more about what we will be doing at camp. 

For create task one, we had to complete a mapping sheet that included questions about directions to put certain things. Since the sheet was on paper I will not be able to blog it. But it was very fun to do, and I enjoyed it very much!

For create task two, we had to create a bunk label. A bunk lable is a lable that you put on your bunk when you get to camp. Then, when we have finished camp, we can use it for anything at home! I would love to show it to you all, but I didn't have time to take a picture of it for all of you.

For create task three, we had to read a website and choose a topic to make a piktochart about it. I chose to learn more about native birds to New Zealand. Scroll down to see it! 


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Kupe And The Giant Wheke

 Kia Ora Bloggers!                                                                                               

Last week was Maori Language Week so we are just continuing on from that week.                                  WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends. Last week I chose to read How Maui Discovered Fire so this week I chose to read about Kupe And The Giant Wheke. It is a story about a magic man named Mutururangi who wanted to plot revenge on the villagers. Read the text to find out more about the story! 

For create task one, we had to fill out a sheet about where the story was set, who were the main characters, and what the problem of the story was and how they resolved the problem. Sadly, it is very hard to try and take pictures of things on our computer and since the sheet was paper I can not take a picture of it. 

So, for the Second Create Task we had to fill out another sheet but it was on our Chromenooks. So, for this sheet we had to write if we agree or disagree about the story's statement. I disagreed and agreed with the story's statement so I wrote 3 reasons why I agreed and 1 reason why I disagreed. Scoll down to see it!


For Create Task Three, we had to make a glossary of all the words in our text/story. I found 6 maori words in my story. Wheke, Waka, Rangatira, Tohunga, Taiaha and Pou. See my animation to see what all those words mean! 

Thank you for reading my blog post, please give me feedback down below!


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Reading - How Maui Discovered Fire

 Kia Ora Koutou!

This week you as may know it is Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. So for reading we are going to be reading about Maori Lengends. There were four Maori lengends to choose from, The creation of night and day, Kupe and the giant Wheke, Rata and the Totara tree and How maui discovered fire. I chose to read about How Maui discovered fire. The reason is because I already know some of mauis lengends like, How maui slowed the Sun.  The story is about how maui wanted to learn how fire was made. So, he went on a journey to a cave to retreive fire from the fire goddess, Mahuika. Find out more when you read the book!

Create task one had Two Parts. Firstly, we had to fill out an analysing sheet and fill it out with information about where the Legend was set, who the main characters were, and what the main characters actions were. For the second part of Create Task we had to copy a Evalution sheet and see if we disagrree or agree with our story's statement. Scroll down to see the rest of my post!

By the way, I will not be able to show the picture of the first part of Create Task One because of how hard it is taking pictures on chromebooks.

Poetry Anthology

Hello Writers!

For writng this term we were working on Poetry Anthology. We were working on many different kinds of poems like, Haikus, Limericks, Comparisum poems, Toungue twisters and much more. My favourite ones out of all the poems was Limerick (Lim-i-rick). The reason why is because a Limerick is a crazy/funny type of poem. My Limerick is about a girl named Jill who climbed up a big hill. Scroll down to see t5he rest oof my post! 

I hope you were able to enjoy my poems!
Please comment down below if you have any questions or feedback about my Poems. 


Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Hello everyone!

This week instead of our basic Reading Writing and Maths, we had to do different kinds of challenges the teachers made. I finished 2 out of the 5 challenges. The two challenges I completed were, the Alphabet Photography and the Firework Suprise Challenges. The Alphabet Photography Challenge wasn't that hard but, finding the letter P was the hardest letter. But luckly, I found a P shape in a small garden next to a stone path in our front yard. 

Scroll down to see the letters I found!

Here is my O.
Here are my two Ls.

In this picture you can not really see the pictures really clearly but in person it looks just like a Y.

For the Firework Suprise Challenge we had to follow rules of a video and draw a Firework. But when your paper up, there is a BIG suprise inside. Here it is!

Since I accidently drew the BOOM! a little too small, I decided to draw a big fire coming out from it.

I hope you enjoyed my post, please comment if you have time.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Hello Readers!
This morning I had nothing to do so I decided to do one of the challenges. I chose to do the longest plank challenge.  A plank is a exercise that helps you with your core. When you are doing it, you should feel something in your tummy. That is how it helps you with your core. Anyways, scroll down to watch my video.
Hope you liked it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Our first olympians-Reading

こんにわ bloggers!
WALT: Locate and summarise important informtion from a range of related texts.
As the same as last week, this week we are looking at the olympics. We had to choose a different book from last week so this week I chose to read ¨Our First Olympians.¨ It is all about all of our first olympians who were in the the olympics. Before, in the 1920s, they only sent four people from New Zealand to compete in the olympics games. Now, we send over 100 people to the olympics!

For create task one, we had to choose a olympian from New Zealand or a favourite olympian. Then, we had to fill out this sheet and write some facts about the chosen olympian. I chose to learn about Eliza McCartney who won bronze in pole vault. After filling out the sheet, we had to create a poster that included all the information on the sheet.

For the second create task, we had to choose a country that is competing in the olympic games. I chose to learn about Italy. Then we had to find 20 facts about our chosen country and what the games they are entering. I was only able to find 18 facts about Italy because we didn't have enough time. After that, we had to create a DLO/digital learning option. I created a poster on a google drawing.  I chose to learn about them because for the production we are doing a dance about Italy and I have learnt a lot about it already and I wanted to learn even more.

By ぽリい/Polly

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Ancient Romans Race Again (Reading)

 Hey there bloggers!                                                                                                                                           Have you been watching the Tokyo olympics? Well, This week for reading we have been learning about the olympics and athletes who are in the olympics. The book I chose to read was called, The Ancient Romans Race Again. It is about the ancient olympic sport played in Greek, chariot racing. It used to be a sport that hurt many horses and their riders sometimes even causing death. But now, over a century later, Pam Sheperd races in the chariot racing but her chariot is made from fibreglass and the racers survive the race. 

For create task one, we had to choose a olympian from New Zealand or a favourite olympian. Then, we had to fill out this sheet and write some facts about the chosen olympian. I chose to learn about valerie Adams. After filling out the sheet, we had to create a poster that included all the information on the sheet. 

For the second create task, we had to choose a country that is competing in the olympic games. I chose to learn about China who is currently first place in the Olympics. Then we had to find 20 facts about our chosen country and what the games they are entering. I was only able to find 15 facts about China because we didn't have enough time. I chose to learn about China because they are currently in first place in the olympics. After that, we had to create a DLO/digital learning option. I created a poster on a google drawing.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Boring! (reading)

 Hi Bloggers!  

Walt:Recognise how texts are constructed for different purposes, audiences and situations.                          In week nine of term 3 we will be having a school production/play! So this week, we were working on performing  plays. The whole school will be part of the school play but the people who wanted to audition for the main roles, had to memorise their lines and perform the play they were doing, and that would be their audition. The play I chose to do was called, BORING! It's about a boy named Alex who is really bored but doesn't realise there actually a whole lot going on behind him. See create task one to find more about the play. The role I played in the play was one of the pirates. I memorised my lines so I could audition in the play. The others who were in the play were, Karaitiana (second pirate), Jf (Alex),      Hannaneh (alien),  Victoria (princess), Renae (knight) and Lottie (dragon). Victoria was away for the last couple of days so we made Karaitiana her understudy if she was away on the performing day. Renae  had to go home during the performing day, so I memorised her lines last minute so I could do her role. Jf made some props for the play so when we performed our play it looked really cool and fun.                                

For our first create task we had to create a poster about what our play was about and what the role we were playing in it. I found this part very easy and finshed it by Tuesday. For the second part of the create task we had to create a costume of the role we were acting and add it to our poster.  

T3W1 (Maths)

Hello Bloggers! 

Walt: Make sequencee of multiples.  We had to go on to The Interactive Whiteboard and get a Number Rod Track from the Workspaces. Then we had to fill in the missing numbers in the sequence. And using the number rods we had to illistrate how we figured it out.  

This first sequence is counting up in 4s.

This sequence is counting down in 6s. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Hello bloggers!

For the last 2-3 weeks, for inquiry, we got to choose what natural disaters. There were, tsunamis, landslides, volcanos, floods, hurricanes and avalanches.  I chose to inquire about tsunamis. At the start, all I knew about tsunamis were that they occur when there is a earthquake underwater. But after learning more about tsunamis, I have learnt they can be caused by many other different things too. Firts, we had to write a plan on our chromebooks. That took about three-four days. Then, I had to write a information report about tsunamis using my plan. That probably took the longest and took about a week. But then, my slideshow didn´t really take that long and only took a day. 

 Scroll down to see the rest of my post and learn more about tsunamis😁! 

Anne Frank (Reading Create)

Hey Bloggers!

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts. 

If you have looked at my previous post, you will see that this post is exactly the same as that but I´m talking about a different person. If you  haven´t, this week we were learning all about inspirational people.  I chose to read Anne Frank. Hannaneh told me that Anne Frank is a person who kept a diary during world war two, and thought that would be very cool book to read about, so I chose it.

For our first create task we had to watch our complementary texts and our challenge texts. Then we had to think about how they connect with the main text and write it down on a google drawing.  I actually found this quite easy because since Anne Frank had to live a terrible life during the war, both the challenge texts and complementary texts were about the world wars.

For our second create task we had to create a fact file about there life and why they are famous. Then, we had to create a digital learning option (DLO) on why they are an inspiration. I found this one harder than the first one because Anne Frank is inspirational, but it is quite hard to find how. But, I finished it by Tuesday.

For our 3rd create task we had to create a definition and how we can be inspirational and write it on a poster. I found this the most hardest one because, just like the ¨Why is Anne Frank inspirational?" poster, there are lots of ways to be inspirational but, it is very hard to try find them. But also, I finished it quite early and finished it by Wednesday. Scroll down to see it. 
( And... This isn´t the rest of create task three!)

For part two of create task three, we had to make a poster and come up with our own message or a message that inspires us most. I chose to make my own message and wrote about happiness. It was suprisingly easy and I was able to finish it by Wednesday too. Scroll down to see!


The task I enjoyed most doing was create task #3. The reason why is because, I got to create my own message. The only thing I found difficult was the first part of create task #3 because, I had to think so much and it took ages.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or personal - Cybersmart

 Hello bloggers!

Today in cybersmartwe learned about private and personal information and the difference betwen them. Private information is about the things you should keep private so the readers don´t do anything bad with that information. For example, if you shared about where you live, and what your adress was, they could steal something from your house because they know your adress. Personal information is the things you can share about. For example, you could share about  what your favourite bands are, what food you like, and what you like to do.  It was very fun doing this but I wasn´t able to finish it. 

Scroll down↓ to see the rest of my post!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Albert Einstein - READING CREATE

 Hey there bloggers!

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts. This week we were learning about famous people. I chose to read about Albert Einstein. I thought Albert was the scientist who created the lightbulb. But, when I read aout him I found out that he actually did not create it. He actually did beyond amazing things in his days. Read the rest of my post to see all the amazing things he did.

For our first create task we had to watch our complementary text and our challenge text. Then we had to think about how they link with the main text and write it down on a google drawing. I found this quite hard but I finished it by  Tuesday.

For our second create task we had to create a fact file about there life and why they are famous. Then, we had to create a digital learning option (DLO) on why they are an inspiration. I found this one harder than the first one and finished it by today. 

For our third create task we had to make a poster and write something inprirational on it. I used canva to create it and wrote something about mistakes. Scroll down to see what it looks like!

Even though I enjoyed both of the two create tasks, my favourite task was create task #2. That is because I had to think a lot about it and think about why he was an inspiration. The only thing I found difficult about that task is that, it took a very long time to do it because I had to think a lot about it, even though that was the thing I liked about it :D.  


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Compound sentences - writing

 Hello bloggers!

Recently in writing we have been working on writing compound sentences. A compound sentence is when you combine two simple sentences with a FANBOYS. Fanboys are not boys who are big fans in the crowd but stands for: For, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.  We had to write 5 simple sentences on a google document and share it with a buddy. Then the buddy had to end the simple sentence using a FANBOYS. I buddied up with Fili and I was very suprised how he ended my compound sentences. If you want to read all five of our sentences, scroll down to see the rest of my post!

The sun is shining

but it is still cold.

It is freezing today

but it's warm in the classroom.

I went to school

but It was almost covered in snow.

I wrote ten compound sentences

but it didn’t make sense.

It is raining outside

and snowing at the same time. 

The snow is freezing

and inside was hot.

I like heights

but whenever I am up too high my legs quiver.                        

The whiteboard rubber is broken

so we can not use it.

Ms Ferguson wrote about compound sentences on the whiteboard 

so we understand what they are. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Matariki: Reading Create

Hey there readers!
Welcome back to my blog.  On Saturday, the maori new year started so this week, we were learning all about Matariki. WALT: Summarise and anlyse ideas and information from different texts. We had to watch two videos and 2 texts. Then we had to summarise the important iformation for our first create task. For our second create task,  we to choose two tasks out of the four tasks the teachers made. I only had time to complete 1 task cause of the tight time limit. Please scroll to the rest of my post.

Video #1:

The video is about how the matariki cluster formed in the sky.

The 7 sisters were flying everywhere, zig zagging all around the night sy. Then, their parents had had enough. They asked them to do a favour for them to stay in their  spot and not move around.  

Video #2:

It was a video about what you can do to celebrate matariki. One way is to tell tales or myths about matariki. Another way is to tell what the  people from a long time ago did with the matariki star cluster. 

Te Papa Website: 

Te papa museum is a museum in Wellington where they show or tell many different things about lots of different things. One thing that they show in the  museum is the matariki star cluster. In their website about Matariki they tell lots of facts about when they form, what the different names of the matariki are and much more.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

Near the mountains there is a school. Called Ramanui Primary. Every year they celebrate the maori New year. This year they are celebrating by inviting all their whanau for a big feast.

Uru Manuka Summit

 Hi readers!

Welcome back to my blog. 

Around 15 people including me were chosen to go to a summit. This morning we went to Horrnby Primary for the summit and I saw around 5 other schools came too. Including, Gilborthorpe, Yaldhurst, Hornby, St Burnadetes, South Hornby and our school.  At the summit we went to classes and some people from our school presented them. The first class I went to was BOOK CREATER. Book creater is a app where you can create comics and books. I didn´t have enough time to finish it but it was very fun to create. I was going to make it about five students who were learning about Book Creater like we were doing just before. The second class I did was about animation hacks. It was very fun but waas very hard to do causse I was kinda late to the class and had to start it from where they were up to. The third class I went to was presented by Karaitiana and Zia. They presented a slideshow about how to make a quiz on google forms. I had never used google forms before, so it waas very fun creating a quiz about myself. The last class I went to waas about canva. It was very fun to use ( And also kinda easy cause I´ve used it before!) and at the end, they got to share mine! Scroll down if you want to see the canva Poster I created!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The bad case of stripes - READING CREATE

Hey there bloggers!

WALT: Make connections between ourselfs, other texts and the world.

This week our books were videos, so we had to watch them instead

of reading them. The book I chose this week was called the Bad

Case Of Stripes.  It´s about a girl named Camilla who cared

about others a opions about her. While she was getting ready for her

first day of school, she finds that she is covered in stripes!

Many doctors come to check her but, each time a doctor comes,

they add a quality on Camilla´s body. This was a very fun text, so please

watch/read this book!

Here is my create task one, two and three down below.

For my first create task I had to create connections between the text I

was watching, myself, other texts and the world. I really enjoyed doing

this task but was very hard. But, I was able to finish it extra

early and finished it by Tuesday.

Connections I made between myself:

  • Seen the doctor. 

  • Have the same weird taste in food.

  • Same taste in food. 

  • Had  medicine before.  

  • Had pills 


Connections I made between other texts:

  • The rainbow fish

  • Jack and the beanstalk

  • Green eggs and ham

  • Pippi Longstocking 

  • Little miss sunshine.

  • The rainbow fish

  • Jack and the beanstalk

  • Green eggs and ham

  • Pippi Longstocking 

  • Little miss sunshine.

Connections I maade between the world:

  • Covid 19 /  Coronavirus 

  • The flu,

  • Rainbow

  • Mental illness

  • Lima Beans

Create Task Two

For my second create task I had to create a venn diagram 

had to compaare the main character in our text and another

main character from another text of my own choice. I 

chose t compare Camilla Cream ( from the Bad Case Of 

Stripes ) and Peter Rabbit ( from The Tale Of Peter 

Rabbit).  For the peopke who doesn´t know what a venn

diagram is, a venn diagram are two circles overlapping each 

other. A venn diagram is way of showing how to compare two 

things so, the area overlapping each other is the part where you

write the simularities of the two things. The area not overlapping 

each other is the part  where you write the differences of the two 





                      Create Task Three          


For my third create task I had to choose one connection from

the world column and look deeper into it. The connection I

chose waas ccovid and I used many sites to look deeper into

this connection, and it took me forever🤯.   After completing our plan I had

to present it in a very fun, exciting way. I think I did very well for this task

so, please give feedback if you see anything wrong.

We haad a fourth create task but Iii wasn´t able to finish cause the third one took up most 
of the time. But other than that, I think the third create tas was my favourite out of them all.
I think the reason for that is cause I think it was very fun looing deeper in my connection and
 presenting it.  Please enjoy your day and...